sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Passadinha rápida :)

Olá princesas!  Como estão?
Estou no 3g do meu cel, a Internet está horrível, mas vim aqui deixar meu post rapidinho e assim que der respondo vocês. *-*
Ontem quando cheguei em casa comi metade de um pão francês com um pedaço de mortadela, e a noite com o boy comi 3 pastéis de queijo na fritadeira e me permiti um bombom.
Nesse momento estou fazendo almoço pra minha mãe: arroz branco sem óleo no microondas,  batata e camarão, ambos fritos na fritadeira.
Tomei café 11:30h - um pão francês sem miolo com metade de um polenguinho e metade de uma fatia de mortadela. Com 150ml de chocolate quente. Com esse café, é certo que vou pular o almoço. Vou ficar um pouco na loja do boy pra ele almoçar, então quando eu voltar pra casa digo que comi qualquer besteira lá.
Agora pretendo comer só de noite com o boy, mas caso sinta muita fome a tarde (acho que não vai acontecer) eu como uma salada de frutas.
De noite com o boy ainda não sei o que fazer, devo optar por pastel.
Estou bem confiante que não terei compulsões esse final de semana.
Deixei os remédios no trabalho,  pois se estivessem aqui comigo já terei tomado.
Me pesei depois do café da manhã: a balança oscilou entre 45,5 a 45,7.
Não vou me pesar mais, só segunda.
Vou estudar um pouco agora no boy, pra ver se amanhã faço logo as provas. Assim que eu tiver com uma net decente eu vou no blog de vocês s2


7 comentários:

  1. Fico feliz que as compulsoes estão indo embora!
    Tenha força !
    Bom fim de semana! Beijos

  2. Estou gostando de ver, comendo praticamente direito e mantendo o peso ^^
    Continue assim.
    Beijinhos :*

  3. Xô compulsão!!
    Tá focada né D.

  4. Gostei de ver você com esse foco, espero que continue assim sem compulsões!

  5. Nada de compulsão. E boa sorte na prova. Bj

  6. Oi D
    Percebi esse esforço ai de deixar o remédio pra não tomar.
    Primeiro passo aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Xôoooo compulsão
    Estou feliz por vc princesa.

  7. Few Months ago i went for a check up in the hospital, the doctor took my blood for a test and told me to come after 3 days for the results, after 3 days passed i went back to the hospital for the results,and it was then the doctor told me that i was diagnosed with HIV virus.
    On that very day i was left with no happiness and everything in life became meaningless to me, i began to think on how i could get rid of this virus from my body, i decided to go on internet and do some research, while i was surfing the internet i came across some good testimonials on how Dr James has been using his herbal medicine to treat and save different patients from various diseases and infections, i also saw someone who was commenting on how she was cured from HIV with Dr James herbal mixed medicine.
    To me I never believed in them, that was the first time to come across something like that, I just decided to try it out if it did really work!
    They gave the contact details of Dr James and I copied his email [DRJAMESHERBALMIX@GMAIL.COM] and later that night I sent him a message concerning my health.
    He later gave me a response and then we talked about the medicine and he said to me he was going to send the medicine to my home address and that he needed my address of where I reside.
    I sent him all he requested in order to get the medicine ready for me, and after 3 days i received a mail from the Post Office and to my surprise it was the herbal medicine from Dr James.
    He explained to me on how i was to take the medicine, he said i was to take 2 times daily for 14 days, i followed exactly as i was told, before he sent me the medicine he said that i should go for check up after finish drinking the medicine, so after i finished the medicine i went back to the hospital for check up and to my greatest surprise again i was told that i am negative, i know someone would not believed this, but it did happened to a brother like me, i have always dreamed of living in good health again, thank god everything went well for me and thank god for Dr James Miracle Healing Medicine, you can reach Dr James on his Email{ drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com } friends this man has a cure to diseases like Alzheimer's virus, Cancer, HIV, Herpes, ALS, BV, UTI, Virginal infection, Genital Wart, HPV, Hepatitis A/B, Good luck, HSV, Pregnancy problems.Do not believe in medical drugs, try some Natural Remedy.With Dr.James herbal mix on drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com
    Forever remain grateful Doc....
